Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Welcome Cade!!!

We are so excited to announce that Kacie had her baby yesterday....Cade David Callens is his name. We are so proud of her, she only had to push a couple of times (lucky girl, hopefully its genetic :)  And we are so excited to have a new little nephew in our family! 

check out their blog for some pictures..

Congrats Callens!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Rumors are true!!

Yes, I am finally officially announcing it...I'm Pregnant!!  I'm about 13 weeks now, and due Feb. 28. I already can feel myself getting fatter, but I am trying to embrace it and enjoy eating things I haven't in a while. Lance is super excited, I have my days. I've been really sick, so it really hasn't been a great experience for me so far. Hopefully the sickness will start wearing off soon. Everyone promises me that the second trimester is "so much better" so we will see. 

pregnancy calendar

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So Long, Farewell...

 It is official, my home residence will no longer be in Kingwood. My family is officially moving from our home of 12 years to a place far away...Switzerland! They will be leaving for Geneva next week :(  

They've been working super hard to get the house ready for sale (so if anyone is looking for a house in Kingwood...) 

I'm pretty sad about them leaving the country, but we are so excited for their new adventure and since we now LOVE Europe, we are overjoyed with the fact the we will get to go visit all the time!

New York

A few weeks ago, ok I guess like I month ago, I went on a trip with the girls in Lance's family. We went up to Ohio, and New York and got go to an Amish town, and then we went around and saw all the Church history sites. Also, the Hill Camorah pagent was going on so we got a see that too. It was a great trip, I'm so glad I finally got to see all the church sites that we only read about. It makes the scriptures come alive and helps you to really understand all that was went through to restore the church to the earth today.

The Sacred Grove

Getting ready for the ferry ride at Niagra falls

Niagra falls

Our hotel room in Ohio

Our cute hotel in the Amish Town

An Amish parking lot (yes, it was a little strange)

The Newel K. Whitney Store, in Ohio

Finally in New York