Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yeah for BFFs

First of all, I finally found my camera cord. Yeah, turns out Lance was cleaning and hid it. So now I have a lot of catching up to do. So a while ago, I had a free weekend from softball for I tricked my bestest buddy to come out and visit me. It was so fun to have her come for the weekend, I forgot how much we laugh when we're together. Poor Lance, he is a good husband for putting up with me :) So while Lindsey was here Lance surprised us and took us to a cabin he rented up in Gaitlinburg. It was awesome, so beautiful and so nice to just relax and eat lots of cookies. We convinced Jeff and Lynn to come too, so it turned into quite the party. However, we were quickly reminded that we are no longer in high school when Kendall started throwing up. We always like to keep things exciting. But although we had a sick baby, it was so great to hang out with good friends.

We had to be creative with Kendall's sleeping arrangements, p.s. hot tubs work great :)

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